Framed Canvas Prints Ireland

Strand Framing have now introduced some new framed canvas products to our range. We combine our high quality stretched canvas prints with our premium solid wood frames to give you a product with an exquisite finish.  

Framed canvas prints on standard & deep edge 

Our framed canvas prints are a fantastic option for artists and photographers looking to get reproduction framed prints of their artwork. We have a number of framing options including black and white solid wood frame options. We also have a 10mm wide frame and a 20mm wide frame option.

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High Quality  Stretched Canvas Prints 


HD Quality Prints

High definition quality canvas prints which are rated to last up to 100yrs indoors..

10mm Solid Wood Frame

Our 10mm wide frames give a super contemporary look to your piece

Premium Canvas

380gsm artist grade poly cotton canvas with an inkjet coating to ensure your print looks vibrant.

20mm Solid Wood Frame

Our 20mm wide frames are a bestseller and have been for a long time for a reason

Pine Bars

Solid wood pine bars joined by hand. Sourced from sustainably managed forests.

Tight stretch

Drum tight stretch on every canvas print ensuring your canvas will last

Professionally Framed 

 A picture framing expert will frame your printed canvas

Packaging Options

We can package these products in bespoke one off packing for ecommerce customers. Please contact us to discuss

Framed Standard Edge Canvas

Canvas Size (cm)Framed Canvas from (€)Purchase
20 x 2014.95BUY
30 x 3021.19BUY
40 x 4028.42BUY
50 x 5036.87BUY
60 x 6046.78BUY
Order Square Framed Canvas Standard Edge

Framed Deep Edge Canvas

Canvas Size (cm)Framed Canvas from (€)Purchase
20 x 2018.80BUY
30 x 3026.75BUY
40 x 4036.12BUY
50 x 5046.22BUY
60 x 6062.35BUY

Strand Framing New product - Wood Framed Canvas Prints

Framed Canvas Photo Prints 

At Strand, we are setting the standard for framed reproduction art and photographic prints. The first step is the HD Canvas print which is professionally stretched on a pine frame. The canvas is then combined with our range of solid wood frames either 10mm wide or 20mm wide frames designed to fit a standard or deep edge canvas print. Our master framers will fit the canvas to the frame and do a final inspection before final packaging of the product. This completes the strand framed canvas product  Our HD Framed Canvas Prints are ideal for the high end art and photography markets.

We can also provide a custom bespoke cardboard box which can be used to ship orders out to customers.  



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